Breakup Apps: 6 Apps To Help You Get Over Your Ex

Feeling down after a breakup? We've all been there, and sometimes we just need a little extra help to mend our broken hearts. Whether you need some distraction, a good cry, or some self-care, these 6 apps are here to help you through it. From meditation and mindfulness to uplifting playlists and empowering affirmations, these apps have got your back. So go ahead, download them and start the healing process. And for some extra self-care, check out these top 5 onahole reviews for 2021 to treat yourself to some well-deserved pleasure. You deserve it!

Breakups can be tough. Whether you were the one who initiated the split or you were blindsided by it, navigating the aftermath of a breakup can be a challenging and emotional experience. Fortunately, there are now a plethora of apps designed to help you heal and move on from your ex. From providing a support system to distracting you with fun activities, these breakup apps can help you through this difficult time. Here are six apps to help you get over your ex.

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Mend: Heal Your Heartbreak

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Mend is a comprehensive app that offers support and guidance for anyone going through a breakup. The app provides a range of tools and resources to help you heal, including audio training sessions, journaling exercises, and a community of users who are going through similar experiences. Mend also offers expert advice and tips for moving on from your ex and rebuilding your life. Whether you need help processing your emotions or are looking for practical advice on how to move forward, Mend has you covered.

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Rx Breakup

Rx Breakup is like having a personal breakup coach in your pocket. The app provides daily exercises and challenges to help you work through your feelings and move on from your ex. From writing letters to your ex that you'll never send to setting goals for the future, Rx Breakup offers a structured approach to healing from a breakup. The app also provides a supportive community where you can connect with others who are going through similar experiences. With its evidence-based approach and personalized guidance, Rx Breakup can help you navigate the emotional rollercoaster of a breakup.

Break-Up Boss

Break-Up Boss is a no-nonsense app that offers practical advice and tough love for anyone going through a breakup. Created by bestselling author and breakup expert Zoë Foster Blake, the app provides a mix of humor and wisdom to help you navigate the aftermath of a split. From empowering pep talks to practical tips for moving on, Break-Up Boss is like having a supportive friend in your pocket. The app also includes a range of tools and resources to help you rebuild your confidence and create a fulfilling life post-breakup.


Happify is a science-based app that offers activities and games to help you improve your emotional well-being. While not specifically designed for breakup recovery, Happify can be a helpful tool for anyone looking to boost their mood and reduce stress after a breakup. The app provides evidence-based activities and exercises to help you cultivate positive emotions, build resilience, and find greater happiness in your life. From gratitude practices to mindfulness exercises, Happify can help you shift your mindset and focus on the positives as you work through your breakup.


Headspace is a popular meditation app that offers guided meditation and mindfulness exercises to help you manage stress and improve your mental well-being. While not designed specifically for breakup recovery, Headspace can be a valuable tool for anyone looking to navigate the emotional challenges of a breakup. The app offers a range of meditations focused on self-compassion, letting go of negative emotions, and finding inner peace. With its soothing voice and calming exercises, Headspace can help you find moments of calm and clarity as you heal from your breakup.


While some may be surprised to see a dating app on this list, Tinder can actually be a helpful tool for moving on from your ex. After a breakup, getting back out there and meeting new people can be a positive and empowering experience. Whether you're ready to start dating again or simply want to meet new friends, Tinder can help you connect with others who share your interests and values. Plus, the app offers a distraction from the pain of your breakup and can help you feel more optimistic about the future.

In conclusion, breakup apps can be valuable tools for anyone looking to heal and move on from a breakup. Whether you're seeking emotional support, practical guidance, or a distraction from your pain, these apps can provide the resources and community you need to navigate this challenging time. By utilizing these apps, you can take proactive steps toward healing and creating a fulfilling life post-breakup.